Monday, March 21, 2011

Proposal of ALice in Wonderland connection to psychology

As of right now I feel very undecided what topic I want to choose to connect between Alice in Wonderland and Psychology. What I am taking in to cosideration is the idea of Freud's Psychosexual latency stage and how it could relate to Alice. My second choice is perception or even the idea of wish fulfillment and how everything she is going through can actually be what she really desires would happen in her real life. I still have more thinking to do .


  1. I feel like you should go with wish fulfillment. There is a lot of things in Alice in Wonderland that you can interpret as her wishes being fulfilled.

  2. I think like Audrey you should think of a general topic and than narrow it down to a specific thing itself. Definitely, you should look at wish fulfilling and see where you can go from there.

  3. Why do you think she would like for this to happen to her in real life?

  4. Also I agree that you should narrow down what you want to write about

  5. @ Dawn i do believe that she wants this to happen to her in real life because she is bringing a lot of what we see as yher real life in to this imaginary world.

  6. I really like your first idea.I would have to agree, however that it would be best to read further into the book to have a better understanding of it. No one seems to have thought about that yet, so I would love to see where that goes. :D

  7. I also though about what your proposal is. The idea that Alice gets what she wants as the dream goes on, and shes creating the scenarios that happen; but thing is how can we elaborate it better since we need a background information on why all of this is happening.
